Frédéric LASSERRE papers

before joining the lab


Ourlin JC, Lasserre F, Pineau T, Fabre JM, Sa-Cunha A, Maurel P, Vilarem MJ, Pascussi JM. The small heterodimer partner interacts with the pregnane X receptor and represses its transcriptional activity. Mol. Endocrinol. 2003 Sep;17(9):1693-703.


Afanassieff M, Dambrine G, Ronfort C, Lasserre F, Coudert F, Verdier G. Intratesticular inoculation of avian leukosis virus (ALV) in chickens--production of neutralizing antibodies and lack of virus shedding into semen. Avian Dis. 40(4):841-52.

Joliot V, Khelifi C, Wyers M, Dambrine G, Lasserre F, Lemercier P, Perbal B. The noncoding and surface envelope coding sequences of myeloblastosis-associated virus are respectively responsible for nephroblastoma development and renal hyperplasia. J Virol 70(4):2576-80.


Thoraval P, Afanassieff M, Cosset FL, Lasserre F, Verdier G, Coudert F, Dambrine G. Germline transmission of exogenous genes in chickens using helper-free ecotropic avian leukosis virus-based vectors. Transgenic Res 4(6):369-77.


Thoraval P, Lasserre F, Coudert F, Dambrine G. Somatic and germline chicken chimeras obtained from brown and white Leghorns by transfer of early blastodermal cells. Poult Sci 73(12):1897-905.


Joliot V, Boroughs K, Lasserre F, Crochet J, Dambrine G, Smith RE, Perbal B. Pathogenic potential of myeloblastosis-associated virus: implication of env proteins for osteopetrosis induction. Virology 195(2):812-9.

Modification date : 08 June 2023 | Publication date : 05 February 2014 | Redactor : NL